Free Download , by Laura F. Marsh

Free Download , by Laura F. Marsh
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, by Laura F. Marsh
Free Download , by Laura F. Marsh
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Product details
File Size: 1686 KB
Print Length: 32 pages
Publisher: National Geographic Children's Books (July 24, 2012)
Publication Date: July 24, 2012
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#45,000 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
I bought this book for my Nephew because I obsessed with tigers and I hope to foster a love of animals in him because unfortunately tigers are on the endangered species list and I want him to remember these majestic animals in case they are no longer around when he is my age. This book by National Geographic is AWESOME, it detailed information about tigers I absolutely never knew, and I thought I knew a lot about them! It is chock-full of info, statistics, full-color photos, graphs, maps, etc. detailing EVERYTHING about a tiger's life and what they do and what we must do in order to protect them. I haven't seen any other books in this series from National Geographic but some have been recommended to me and I think I'll pick those up for my Nephew as well.
Book arrived bent and looks “used†I was going to give as a gift but couldn’t in that condition. It is a very thin book. I didn’t return because it just isn’t worth it for the cost, but would not buy it again.The content is fine for a younger child as most Nat Geo books are nice content, but this was disappointing due to the conditions it was shipped in.
This is a great first book for any child interested in tigers. It was bought for a 4 yr old. There is a page that describes and shows that Tigers do eat other animals in the wild, so if this may upset some children to see, maybe not a good idea
He is pre-K & just learning to read. The tiger is his favorite animal.Note to the squeamish: The author keeps it real & doesn't present them as cute over-grown pets. They're preditors and there's a picture showing a tiger with his just-caught meal. Not gruesome but certainly factual.I think Laura Marsh is one of the best children's book authors ever. Her series presents various creatures gently but factually as they really are. She knows how to keep the interests of the 4-8 year old set which is a talent few adults possess. I'll be looking over some of the other authors in the National Geographic children's books. But for the time being I think her books are so good that I'll buy them all first.
My 6 year old needs to read non-fiction books as part of her school curriculum. The National Geographic Series of leveled readers has been great. We started at 1 and now can do both levels 2 & 3. They sometimes introduce vocabulary terms specific to the animal or topic which I need to step in and help define, but other than that they can be read all on their own.
We own quite a few of the national geographic readers and we love them all. They are appropriately laid out for young readers, my daughter loves the riddles/jokes and she loves learning interesting facts about the animals and sharing them with the family. I am very pleased with this purchase and will continue to buy others in the series.
Nice book. Very colorful. Pages are a little heavier with a laminated feel.
This is another great book for young kids. My 5 year old is fascinated with lions and tigers. We have read this many times and he has learned lots of useful facts. The pictures are nice.
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