Free Download The Good Tarot, by Colette Baron-Reid

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The Good Tarot, by Colette Baron-Reid
Free Download The Good Tarot, by Colette Baron-Reid
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About the Author
Colette Baron-Reid is an internationally acclaimed, Oracle expert, thought leader, and number one best selling author of "The Map" and other books and products; including Oracle Cards and Meditation Apps. As a spiritual medium, she is also the star of the hit TV series, Messages from Spirit (Amazon Prime), and she hosts the highly popular call-in radio show "Ask the Oracle" on is a celebrated author, published in 27 languages, and a spiritual teacher. Her fans lovingly call her "The Oracle Queen".  The late Dr. Wayne Dyer deemed Colette's readings "100% credible". Seen and heard on talk shows across the nation, her guest appearances include Dr. Oz, Dr. Phil, Oprah and Friends radio, and The Today Show.Her best selling and most loved products are her beautiful Oracle Cards, derived from ancient spiritual traditions, which she has created to speak in a modern language for the contemporary spiritual seeker. She is also the CEO and founder of Oracle School where students from all over the world learn how to use oracle cards to have a direct dialogue with the Universe while awakening their magic within for personal growth and empowerment. "Oracle cards are the key to open your connection to the Universe"™! Learn More:
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Product details
Cards: 152 pages
Publisher: Lifestyles; Box Crds/P edition (April 11, 2017)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9781401949501
ISBN-13: 978-1401949501
ASIN: 1401949509
Product Dimensions:
3.9 x 2.1 x 5.4 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.1 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.7 out of 5 stars
365 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#16,023 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
I can't believe I haven't reviewed any previous decks by Colette Baron Reid (as there are a number of them I own, I read quite frequently, and that I have purchased for others as gifts). There is a couple reasons this did not earn five stars from me (more on that in a moment). I find this deck is mostly suited for personal exploration. It is positive and affirming and look at the good side of all cards in the Tarot. Unlike some of the author's other decks, there are no reverse interpretations.First...the nitty-gritty about this deck. This is a full 78-card Tarot deck with a major and minor arcana. The majors are numbered 0-21. Card titles are mostly the same with the exception of the following: Love = Lovers, Fortune's Wheel = Wheel of Fortune, Transformation = Death, Patience = Temperance, Temptation = Devil, Call = Judgement. Minor Arcana suits are: Air = Swords, Water = Cups, Earth = Pentacles, and Fire = Wands. Court cards are: Pages, Messengers = Knights, Queens and Kings.Majors focus as normal on major themes or lessons. Court cards reflect attitudes/states of mind and, of course, can represent people or aspects of a personality that may be influencing a situation. Overall, the book gives a nice brief background on the arcanas and card suits. All interpretations are personalized to the reader ("All that glitters isn't gold, I know that I always deserve authentic riches, the gold that fills me with joy, abundance, and understanding"--from interpretation for the 8 of Water). This makes it an ideal deck for personal explorations and affirmation work.The artwork has a soft, dreamy, magical quality. I like the artistic interpretation of the hermit, for example.There is no wise old man walking with a cane and a lantern. There is light shining on what appears to be a door (with a kingly face on it). There are keys hanging above the door to choose from. You have to look around a bit to discover where the keyhole is. It's there, and I wonder why I missed it the first time. I like the symbology behind this image as it seems to fit well with what the traditional hermit stands for.The art doesn't work for me with some of the cards. Death (Transformation), for example, I can't see exactly what is in the girl in the picture's hands (I assume it is something transforming into something else). But my old eyes just can't make it out. The Emperor, Love (Lovers), and the Strength cards all feature lions prominently. The size of the cards is also a problem, as some other reviewers have indicated. They are wide and difficult for my small, somewhat arthritic hands to shuffle.I also wish there was a little more meat to these interpretations or that there were reverse interpretations. While I have no problem with Baron-Reid's positive, happy approach to interpreting the Tarot, I do disagree with her about reversals. She mentions that most people get discouraged with reversals, so she did not include them. While that is true, a number of reversed tarot cards are actually more positive when reversed than when they appear upright. I think that added nuance would've been helpful and reversals could have all been cast in a positive light as well. There is nothing to fear in a negative card as they are lessons we must all face. She does a magnificent job taking negative cards in the deck (such as the 10 of Swords, 3 of Swords, or the 5 of Pentacles) and showing us the light illuminating or emanating from these so-called dark moments in our lives.I feel this deck is more suitable for meditation, exploring in depth changes you are undergoing or contemplating, counseling yourself or others, and for a daily affirmation. I will probably rarely read for others with this deck, but will find it useful in my personal divination work. If you want a deck to work with for personal oracle work this is probably right for you. If you are new to the Tarot, you may want to seek out a more traditional deck first and become more familiar with the cards if you plan on reading for both yourself and others.
When I first saw that Colette Baron-Reid was doing a tarot deck, I hoped that it would be as amazing as her oracle decks. This deck is nothing short of beautiful and the energy in them is inspiring. This is not your standard tarot deck in the slightest. There are no negative or reverse meanings in the little book provided. She has taken the effort to take the more negative cards (Tower and Devil) and written them to have a more positive connotation. These cards are also written for the here and now, not vague "you may be going on a trip". Instead, she's changed it to, "I am travelling to new territories and am eager to experience all that this land has to offer me". She also takes the traditional suits to reflect the elements they represent:Swords = AirCups = WaterPentacles = EarthWands = FireThe cards themselves are on good paper, aren't flimsy, won't tear, and are laminated. They are the size of her oracle cards, not standard tarot cards. They are definitely an uplifting favorite and give positive messages. It is definitely a GOOD tarot and worth purchasing.
This is VERY disappointing. It is certainly lovely artwork (thus two stars). It is NOT Tarot. Goodness separated from challenge is impractical, unrealistic, and meaningless - like knitting without the yarn. Our challenges & adversity lead us to growth & the development of our abilities, self-discovery, and potentials. Colette knows this as is evident in her booklet - even she cannot remove this deck entirely from adversity despite her efforts. Tarot is objective, neutral - good & bad lie within people's perspectives & fear is born of ignorance. There is nothing to fear in true Tarot. The symbology here is random and nebulous at best, by & large limited in the extreme. While lovely the images are unclear, hazy - even with a magnifying glass. Thus the Major Arcana has lost its potency entirety. What has a woman looking away from the reader have to do with patience? What on earth is the significance of a giraffe here? Without the booklet to explain each card, one is challenged to find any correlation between the card's image and meaning in either arcana. And reducing the suits to simple elements completely removes the full significance and vast depth the suits are designed to convey. So goes the broad psychological value and insightful clarity of the lesser arcana. Again there is little to no symbology to guide or feed the intuition on any card. What remains is make believe. By her own admission, this is simply another of Colette's oracle decks, and I expected much better from her. I honor her intention, but the result is sadly lacking. I wonder at her understanding of the true philosophy of Tarot? The art work IS beautiful, but this is certainly not a Tarot deck, much less a 'good' one.
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