PDF Download The Behavioral Science of Firearms: A Mental Health Perspective on Guns, Suicide, and Violence (American Psychology-Law Society Series)

PDF Download The Behavioral Science of Firearms: A Mental Health Perspective on Guns, Suicide, and Violence (American Psychology-Law Society Series)
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The Behavioral Science of Firearms: A Mental Health Perspective on Guns, Suicide, and Violence (American Psychology-Law Society Series)
PDF Download The Behavioral Science of Firearms: A Mental Health Perspective on Guns, Suicide, and Violence (American Psychology-Law Society Series)
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"Too often the intersection of the topics of firearms and mental illness is the subject of misconceptions or approached with political partisanship. Dr. Pirelli and his colleagues have provided a thorough and apolitical exposition of the history and many clinical, legal, and behavioral issues associated with the topics of firearms and behavioral health. This book is a welcome addition to the new, cutting edge literature that relies on research evidence, some designed and conducted by the authors themselves, to examine and draw conclusions regarding best practices in managing the public health problems presented by violence, suicide, and firearms." --Liza Gold, Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Georgetown University School of Medicine "This is a timely, thoughtful, and encyclopedic analysis of firearms for mental health practitioners. Striving to be even-handed and objective, the authors carefully navigate the many controversies over firearms research, law, and policy. They present the social and cultural factors supporting gun ownership yet also review research on the role of guns in domestic violence, suicide, and mass murder. They break new ground in forensic mental health assessment for questions of firearms ownership and safety that can arise in many different legal contexts." --Dewey Cornell, Ph.D., Forensic clinical psychologist and Bunker Professor of Education, Director, Virginia Youth Violence Project, Curry School of Education, University of Virginia
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About the Author
Gianni Pirelli, Ph.D. is a Licensed Psychologist in New York and New Jersey, where he runs a group clinical and forensic psychology practice. He is the editor of his state association's journal, the New Jersey Psychologist. Hayley Wechsler, Ph.D. is an admissions psychologist working toward licensure at the Department of State Hospitals - Atascadero. Robert J. Cramer, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor of Community and Environmental Health at Old Dominion University, and editor of the Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research.
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Product details
Series: American Psychology-Law Society Series
Paperback: 648 pages
Publisher: Oxford University Press; 1 edition (November 15, 2018)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0190630434
ISBN-13: 978-0190630430
Product Dimensions:
8.9 x 1.2 x 6 inches
Shipping Weight: 2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#1,047,857 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
The Behavioral Science of Firearms: A Mental Health Perspective on Guns, Suicide, and Violence (American Psychology-Law Society Series) PDF
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The Behavioral Science of Firearms: A Mental Health Perspective on Guns, Suicide, and Violence (American Psychology-Law Society Series) Kindle