Free Download Soldier Girls: The Battles of Three Women at Home and at War

Free Download Soldier Girls: The Battles of Three Women at Home and at War
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Soldier Girls: The Battles of Three Women at Home and at War
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Product details
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Audible Audiobook
Listening Length: 15 hours and 54 minutes
Program Type: Audiobook
Version: Unabridged
Publisher: Dreamscape Media, LLC Release Date: September 23, 2014
Whispersync for Voice: Ready
Language: English, English
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
Terrific book!! Gives a point of view not really found often in literature: Women actually serving in war zones. Shows the original motivations, pre-9/11, of three very different women for signing up for the Indiana National guard. All served deployments in the middle East, and had a variety of experiences. Their stories are inspiring, heart-breaking, fascinating and horrifying, and brought home clearly to me that war is hell. These women are from different backgrounds and either enlisted originally for the extra money every month or the college tuition benefits or both. At the point of their enlistment, the U S National Guard troops had not been used in extended conflicts on a long term basis. 9/11 and the ensuing conflicts in the Middle East changed that. Helen Thorpe is a masterful author. I highly recommend this book.
Chilling look into the consequences of war in general and of women warriors in particular. While it is easy for the politicians to stand in front of the cameras and talk about how inspired they are by our troops and their sacrifice, it's entirely another to take respnsibility for the incalculable disruption and damage done to their lives and their families. As a society, we will be paying for these ill considered and poorly managed military actions for decades to come. This book is a disturbing peek under the hood of what happened on the ground in Afghanistan and Iraq through the eyes of three women who did what most of cannot even imagine and would never attempt.
No matter how much I read or watch about this subject, I never feel that I understand more than the tiniest sliver about it. By profiling these women, Thorpe personalizes the experiences of serving in these wars in a compelling way. These three women are far from perfect but each tremendously likeable in her own way. The end is the most interesting part of the book—how each of them adjusted to life back in the States. Each of them had similar difficulties making the transition.When the combat ban on women was lifted, one of the women profiled, Desma, says that women have already been in combat, but maybe now they would be trained like the men, something that had been denied her.One of the women says, that she “realized they would all be counting, possibly for the rest of their lives, what the last decade had cost. What it had cost the people who had gone away (to Afghanistan and/or Iraq) and the people they left behind.â€Thorpe briefly mentions the epic rates of alcoholism and depression and suicide of the returning soldiers. She never hits you over the head with anything but illustrates the damage done, as well as the positive things the women took from serving.
Helen Thorpe's second book. She continues her compelling personal journalism dive into the lives of American women caught in the endless war/economic inequality/cultural conflict that defines so many lives in America. This one about the women drawn into military service as an escape from poverty, only to be sucked down into a life- and family-destroying maelstrom of repeated deployment, lying recruiters and officers, and gender discrimination and harassment in the US military. And how their courage, determination and soulful friendships kept their heads above water -- somewhat.
This was an extremely moving book. Ms. Thorpe tells the story of three women in the Indiana National Guard who served in Afghanistan (and two of them also served in Iraq). They have to deal with the problems all of our soldiers have had with being pulled out of their normal lives at home and sent to fight in these two wars. In addition, they have to deal with the problems of dealing with being women in a traditionally male situation. Yes, they volunteered for their jobs. However, they didn't volunteer for the discrimination they faced. In addition to the problems all of our soldiers face, two of the women are mothers, which entails additional burdens, as they try to balance their life as a soldier with their lives as mothers and grandmothers. This book was very well written, and their stories fascinating.BTW, do not believe the negative review posted about the "lack of AK-47's in the US Military". Obviously, the reviewer has not read this book. The book clearly explains that the job of two of the women in the book was to clean and repair captured AK-47's that were then given to the local Afghanistan forces to use, due to their dependability.
this was a book club selection. it was not one i was looking forward to reading. i would highly recommend to any book club that enjoys philosophical, political, socio-economic, feminist, economic issues that have no black/white answers. this book has altered my thinking to some degree concerning my biases against the military and my snobbishness about peoples' life decisions. i am a west coast somewhat liberal thinker, and i really did need a new lens through which to view middle american situations and life terms of writing style, i am not a great literary judge. there were times when i thought there could have been a bit more editing, but by the time i finished the book, i felt that the details probably contributed to a more precise as well as holistic understanding of events and characters.
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